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    时间:2015-08-07 17:26 来源:江苏农商行招聘网 作者:admin 点击:
    Part II  Vocabulary
      Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best complete the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
      21. This song     his life's dream and ardent love of life.
      A) incorporated B) initiated   C) exposed  D)embodied
      22. Every time I listen to Tchaikovsky, I found myself     in the beauty of the works by one of the most artistically creative composers.
      A) submerged  B) soaked   C) sucked  D)immersed
      23. Benjamin Franklin     and presented to Congress, on the 21st of July, a plan of confederation.
      A) draw in  B) draw on  C) draw up  D)draw down
      24. The day when he first arrived in Chicago     distinctly in his memory.
      A) stands down B) stands in  C) stands out  D)stands up
      25. In regard to those ancient emperors, we need to assess them in the     of their times.
      A) content  B) context   C) contest  D)contention
      26. It is said that the reconstruction of the Grand Theatre is a     project of Shanghai government this year.
      A) prestige  B) superiority  C) priority  D)publicity
      27. The price of the real estate in this area may     to unexpected values, so everyone should be conscious of the maximum price that he would want to pay for a particular property.
      A) stagger   B) shrink  C) soar    D)suspend
      28. With the Chinese economy expected to continue its strong performance, ability to speak the Chinese language will be an     of greater and greater value.
      A) asset    B) ethic    C) inventory   D)obligation
      29. People with a great deal of     often have admiring friends and bitter enemies.
      A) quality  B) appearance  C) personality  D)character
      30. Such a toy with musical sounds and animal noises will     any young child.
      A) dismay  B) astonish   C) fascinate  D)perplex
      31. After reading     of books by great authors for some time, the boy decided to go on to read the originals.
      A) themes  B) insights   C) digests  D)leaflets
      32. In my belief, some of the comments in the movie about the job market are actually     of reallife difficulties in find a good job after graduation from universities.
      A) reflections  B) demonstrations  C) illuminations D)reproductions
      33. In the poem, he depicted the happy     of girls playing on a swing in early spring.
      A) perspective  B) view          C) landscape  D)scene
      34. Radical social changes transformed the common     of life in the countryside more slowly than in towns and cities.
      A) scales   B) patterns        C) grades   D)ranks
      35. Contrary to popular belief, epidemics do not occur     after a natural disaster.
      A) spontaneously B) simultaneously   C) homogeneously D)instantaneously
      36. She     all criticism and went on with her project.
      A) warded off     B) shrugged off    C) gave away      D)set aside
      37. Looking back upon the whole process, we have every reason to     our success to Mary who suggested the right method at the beginning.
      A) ascribe      B) ascertain       C) aspire       D)assert
      38. Overpopulation has greatly     the development of this city.
      A) rectified  B) hampered      C) averted  D)discarded
      39. The teacher     from her custom and gave no assignments for the weekend.
      A) deviated   B) disconnected    C) detached  D)distorted
      40. Immigration from countries and cultures that are     with the cultural core of this nation has been generally prohibited.
      A) interior   B) invisible        C) incompatible D)integral
      41. The little chair     when the fat man sat down on it without thinking.
      A) crushed    B) collapsed       C) crumpled  D)yielded
      42. Your afternoon sightseeing will     famous landmarks and monuments including the White House, Embassy Row, the Capitol, the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument.
      A) highlight  B) underline       C) activate  D)upgrade
      43. Films of this sort have lost their     for many Spanish young people.
      A) appeal   B) pledge          C) image   D)survival
      44. This course is designed to help children     such reallife situations as separation and loss.
      A) cope with     B) settle down       C) intervene in   D)interfere with
      45. Foreign language teachers of this university are busy designing a test of spoken English to     the original written examination.
      A) contaminate B) compliment      C) complement   D)coordinate
      46. Her chief     was her not packing a raincoat for her trip to Yunnan last July.
      A) drawback  B) handicap        C) bruise   D)blunder
      47. Idlers, no matter how poor they are, are always     at finding reasons not to take action to improve their living conditions.
      A) intrinsic  B) ingenious        C) initial       D)inherent
      48. As the graduation is drawing near, every student began to     his future.
      A) compensate    B) contemplate      C) jeopardize  D)manifest
      49. The investigation gives support to the     between profit and top managers pay.
      A) analogy  B) paradox          C) correlation  D)illusion
      50. It advocated by the book that a man, no matter how     his origin may be, can be successful with unremitting efforts and strong will.
      A) inferior  B) awkward         C) minor   D)humble 
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