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    时间:2015-08-29 19:54 来源:江苏农商行招聘网 作者:admin 点击:
      1. In U.S., the 90% of the jobs are white-collar jobs as finance, human resource and engineering.

      2. Containerization makes a 98.5% reduction in man-days on unloading the ship.
      3. Amazon wants to develop the Health eon/web MD to save hundreds of billions of dollars.
      4. The management official won't welcome the blue-collar robots that the unions revolt against.
      5. The professor Michael Dertouzos guessed that India could increase GDP by a trillion dollars in the flowing few years by way of_____________.
      6. The combination of Ford, GM and DaimlerChrysler aims to compress waste from _____________.
      7. According to the author, it will take about __________ to reconstruct new white-collar world.
      8. The head economist Arnold Baker believed that the world is going through the most fundamental change since __________.
      9. The new role model Icon Woman deals with everything about work on _____________.
      10. The author is changing himself to take full advantage of _________________. 
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